We are hiring a League Manager

Update: We are excited to have hired Ryan Ghuman as our new league manager.

The North Shore Inline Hockey League is looking for a League Operations Manager.

The League Operations Manager is a paid contract position, who's core role is to manage and administer specified areas of the League’s operations to deliver a highly successful program to the players, parents and community.


The League Operations Manager is responsible for the following duties:

  • Coaching Coordination – Collaborate with a committee of board members to facilitate the recruitment, appointment, guidance, and evaluation of coaches, including coordination of criminal record checks.
  • Team Coordination – Collaborate with a committee of board members to facilitate the selection of players for each team, ensuring teams are as balanced as possible, including initiating and overseeing balancing moves as necessary during the season.
  • League Scheduling – Write and manage the league schedule for the entire season and playoffs, as well as arranging for any games that require re-scheduling and notifying teams via divisional liaison (and or coaches) of any cancellations or scheduling changes.
  • Online Statistics Management – Ensure the stats on the website are materially correct with regards to game results. Ensure statistics are being entered correctly by scorekeepers via head scorekeeper. Work with Time Keepers when necessary. Assist the inputting of player and team data when required.
  • Communication – It is imperative that information is shared with Board Members, League Officials, Divisional Liaisons, Players, Coaches, and Parents in a timely and professional manner. Responding to emails and texts on a daily basis is expected. Professional courtesy must always be used when communicating with the league membership.
  • Registration – Work closely with the league Registrar to effectively manage player registration and to assist with the forming of each division:
    • Request periodic updates from Registrar and review the data.
    • Ensure all players are registered in the correct division.
    • Communicate with families when registration issues arise.
    • Work with Registrar to ensure there are sufficient numbers (players) for each division.
    • Recruit goalies whenever required to ensure all teams have a suitable goalie.
    • Track goalies that are or will become eligible for a goalie refund.
  • Equipment – Assist with the distribution and collection of the League’s equipment when required.
  • Suspensions – Assist the Referee in Chief to determine the terms of individual suspensions. Notify players, coaches, parents and/or others of suspensions. Maintain a list of all suspensions and act as a liaison between the Disciplinary Committee and suspended individuals, or their representatives. Monitor individuals who are serving suspensions and ensure that they honor the conditions of the suspension(s).
  • Development – Provide input to the ongoing development of the League’s operating policies and procedures with a report at the conclusion of the season, offering analysis of the League’s operations and recommendations for improvement.
  • Events – Volunteer-based committees will be charged with scheduling and organizing League events. The League Manager will be expected to participate in these League events.

Additional Requirements

Attend all monthly Board meetings throughout the year. It is expected that the League Manager will provide a full-time commitment during March to June; to work days, evenings, and weekends as required during the season. The League Manager is someone who is enthusiastic about the program and is prepared to go beyond the assigned duties to ensure its success and enjoyment for all its participants: players, parents, coaches, officials, and volunteers.

How to apply

To apply for this position please forward a resume and cover letter detailing your qualifications to our League President, John Bear - president@nsihl.com